Wednesday, February 19, 2014


So I already talked about Iceland a lot in my previous post, but I thought I would share some photos I have taken so far.

This is my first legal beer that my friend Avery bought me. I met Avery on the bus from the airport to the hostel and I think we are companions for the day.

This is the view of the ocean from my hostel. Iceland is really beautiful.

This is the lunch menu from my hostel. This one is written in Icelandic.


After I checked in today, my friend and I went walking downtown. It was interesting because everything was in Icelandic so in order to know what kind of shop everything was, we had to look inside to see what people were doing. We went to a giant church, which apparently is the tallest building in Iceland. We went up to the very top. It was so windy. It was the strongest wind I have ever felt. After we went to the church we wandered around some more. One place we went was a whiskey bar. We also went to a grocery store. That was cool because I didn't recognize almost all of the products. Everything here is different.

This is the big church I went to today. Inside there is a giant organ and I also went to the top to look out the windows.
View from the top.

The inside of the church.

The colossal organ. This was the coolest part of the church. I wish I could tell you more about it but unfortunately I do not speak Icelandic and couldn't read all the info.

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